TRANSFORM improved the integrated energy policy and decision making process of cities, both at a strategic and operational level, by providing the cities with a framework based on overall planning experiences and on-the-field projects and quali­tative and quantitative ana­lysis sup­port models.

These models helped local governments to turn long term ambitions into tan­gible Implementation Plans within the context of metro­politan possibilities and conditions. The models support stakeholders to evaluate the economic fea­sibility of their plans by visu­alizing possibilities in terms of energy efficiency and production, rhythms of flows (energy, waste, wa­ter, etc.), their interrelation and possible measures and costs, all of which are based on quantitative and qualitative analysis.

© City of Amsterdam


Period: 2013
 - 2015
Client: -

Partners: City of Vienna, Municipal Department 18 – Urban Development and Planning; SIEMENS; AIT; Wiener Stadtwerke Holding AG; TINA VIENNA; European partners: Amsterdam (Coord.), Kopenhagen, Hamburg, Lyon, Genua (IT); Accenture (NL), OVE Arup & Partners (UK), ENEL (IT), Hespul Ass. (FR), Agenzia Regionale Liguria (IT), TU Denmark (DK), Dong Energy Power (DK), Hamburg Energie GmbH (DE), IBA Hamburg GmbH (DE), Électricité Réseau Distribution France (FR)

Financed by: European Commission, 7th Framework Programme


Project team

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