OIR on behalf of the Committee of Regions conducted an analysis of feasibility of mapping the social dimension of the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU). Strengthening the “social dimension of EMU” is one important ele­ment of the new Eu­ropean Commission and relates to the ability of economic governance mecha­nisms and policy in­struments to address problematic deve­lopments and chal­lenges related to em­ployment and social policies in the EMU. At EU-level, a limited number of employ­ment and social indi­cators are moni­to­red as part of the European em­ploy­ment strategy and the Macroeco­nomic Imbalance Pro­cedure.

Europe 2020 headline indicators: target values and progress since 2008, © Eurostat

OIR analysed data availability and me­thodological possibi­lities for data estim­ation and mapping of measures of local and regional well-be­ing and social de­velop­ments, which may contribute to captu­ring the differences that are hidden in national averages. In addition to the presentation of 12 maps on social indicators, recommendations for small area estimation methods are given in the final report.



Period: 2015
Client: European Union, Committee of the Regions (via t33)
Methods: Mapping, Data screening, Statistical analyses, Regional analysis, Interpolation

Project team

  • Bernd Schuh

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