The study Regional Challenges in the Perspective of 2020 – Phase 2: Deepening and Broadening aims at deepening the analysis presented in the European Commission publication Regions 2020 – An assessment of Future Challenges for EU Regions dating back to November 2008. It identifies the potential impacts of the present and upcoming European challenges of globalisation, demographic change, climate change, secure, sustainable and competitive energy, social polarisation and of the economic and financial crisis on regional disparities and regional development potential in the perspective of 2020 and the regional vulnerabilities towards these challenges. The study broadens the perspective of its forerunner by including the neighbouring countries to the south and east. It serves as a regional policy backing document for the Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth put forward by the Barroso Commission in March 2010.



Period: 2009
 - 2011
Client: Europäische Kommission, GD Regionalpolitik

Partners: Spatial Foresight GmbH, Bundesamt für Bauwesen und Raumordnung, Bundesinstitut für Bau-, Stadt- und Raumforschung, Pöyry Energy GmbH, Universität für Bodenkultur, Institut für Meteorologie

Methods: Conference, Moderation, Workshop

Project team

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