The purpose of this study is to identify ways by which an EU industrial policy strategy could be implemented by using a place-based approach and how a low carbon and circular economy can provide various opportunities to companies in a regional context. ÖIR on behalf of the Committee of Regions conducted four case studies in different European Regions. The Bavarian case study (Germany) covers the place-based industrial strategy of Bavaria called Cluster Offen¬sive Bavaria. This stra¬tegy relies on 17 platforms encompassing as many industrial fields, bringing together industrial and research players from across the region and along the entire value chain.

The case study of Mazowieckie Voivodeship (Poland) is an example of a place-based industrial policy that addresses different territorial dimensions and attempts to counteract the regional polarization, especially between urban and rural areas. The case study of Malmö in Skåne Region (Sweden) examines the strategies addressing the development of a low-carbon and circular economy set up at the regional level but also looks into approaches and initiatives adopted at the city level. The Country’s endeavour for developing a circular economy are enshrined in its 2016 Environmental Programme (2017-2020) which, inter alia, sets specific goals and targets to foster the environmentally sustainable use of resources, the efficient management of natural resources and energy. The case study of the city of Vienna (Austria) tries to mitigate the negative effects of economic developments by applying several measures and strategies. To create a better understanding of the circular economy model the cooperation project “Circular Futures – Circular Economy Platform Austria” was, for instance, established, which offers a website to share information and support communication across multi-stakeholders.



Period: 2019
Client: European Union, Committee of the Regions (via t33)

Partner: t33


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