ÖIR has contributed to a study for the Committee of the Regions on the challenges and obstacles faced by entrepreneurs and Small and Medium‐sized Enterprises (SMEs) on islands and in other peripheral areas of the EU. It identifies and analyses good practices to foster resilience and to stimulate innovative and sustainable entrepreneurial development. The study theme is of key importance as insular areas have to tackle a number of specific economic challenges connected to their geographical characteristics. The study has shown that, whilst a one size fits all approach may be counterproductive, islands’ potential could be better exploited through measures aimed at alleviating the constraints of insularity such as improved trade and digital connections as well as aid to foster entrepreneurship and economic development.

Wilfried Giesers/pixelio.de
Valletta (Malta), © Wilfried Giesers/pixelio.de

Two case studies on Malta and La Réunion provided concrete analyses on the island’s specificities and potentials.



Period: 2017
Client: European Union, Committee of the Regions (via t33)

Partners: Spatial Foresight, t33 


Project team

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