The European Parliament’s Committee on Regional Development (REGI Committee) has recently commissioned OIR for a research study on the “New role of macro-regions in European Territorial Cooperation”. Based on the experience from the two first macro-regional strategies and the new Cohesion Policy regulations for the 2014-2020 program­ming period, the aim of the study is to analyse the future role of macro-regions in the imple­mentation of the Euro­pean Territorial Coopera­tion. It covers potential benefits of development of new macro-regional (and sea basin) stra­tegies as well as the most common risks and difficulties in their imple­mentation. In particular, its aim is to inves­tigate what are the best and most efficient ways of imple­menting new rules intro­duced with the new ETC regulation, and take into account other elements of the new Cohesion Policy, inclu­ding the regulation on the European Groupings of Terri­torial Cooperation (EGTC). This study facilitates the dis­cussions on the future macro-regional strategies and the modifications necessary for the already existing ones in the context of the new Cohesion Policy and its second objective (ETC).

Macro-regional strategy areas of the European Union, © ÖIR GmbH
Macro-regional strategy areas of the European Union, © ÖIR GmbH


Period: 2014
Client: European Parliament, Directorate B – Structural and Cohesion Policy

Partners: Spatial Foresight, t33, Delft University of Technology

Methods: Document analysis, Case studies, Standardised phone interviews

Project team

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