The ÖIR is leading a consortium tasked with providing twelve INTERREG programmes with up-to-date territorial evidence on their programme area, as well as developing new indicators to better picture the results of programme interventions. Additional outputs include best-practice user guidelines for programme stakeholders and an EPSON Scientific Database interface.

© ÖIR GmbH

The results indicators are derived from a detailed assessment of the specificities of the programmes, their policies and current result and output indicators. To improve casualty between the interventions and the policy effects as pictured by the indicators, custom synthetic indicators are developed. Further, a difference-in-difference method is applied to existing ones, which allows the identification of net-effects. The ESPON Scientific Database interface allows users to visualise indicator data from the database. Data is imported via the interface and consequently mapped. Additional functionalities allow for graphing the indicators in timeline charts. The usability of the outputs to programme stakeholders is ensured via best-practice user guidelines. The guidelines tie the outputs to the programming, implementation, and monitoring cycles of the INTERREG programme.



Period: 2018
 - 2019

Partners: Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment; Laurentia Technologies; Nordregio; Politecnico di Milano; University of Strathclyde, European Policies Research Centre


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