ÖIR updates on a regular basis their statistical analysis on cross border goods transport in the Austrian Danube Corridor focussing on the modal split development since 2007. For this task different statistical sources are analysed and compiled comparing national and European freight transport statistics of road, rail and Danube navigation and crossing it with actual traffic counts.

ÖIR updates on a regular basis their statistical analysis on cross border goods transport in the Austrian Danube Corridor focussing on the modal split development since 2007. For this task different statistical sources are analysed and compiled comparing national and European freight transport statistics of road, rail and Danube navigation and crossing it with actual traffic counts.

The results show that road freight transport remains in a lead position as regards the modal share of cross border transports. Danube navigations however managed to regain freight volumes after the historic low water levels in 2018 and is particularly important for Austrian imports from Eastern European and Non-European countries.
The results are published in the Annual Report on Danube Navigation by viadonau.

© viadonau

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