Regau is a 6.500 inhabitant’s village in Upper Austria. Next year an ambitious “smart” settlement for about 170 inhabitants will be erected. Funded by the Climate and Energy Fund of the Austrian Federal Government, the settlement will be provided with energy produced by innovative systems such as fuel cells and Stirling engines combined with conventional solutions such as photovoltaics, solar cells, heat pumps and caloric value gas boilers. The functionality of the different energy supply systems will be studied and evaluated until the project end in July 2017.

Regau is a 6.500 inhabitant’s village in Upper Austria. Next year an ambitious “smart” settlement for about 170 inhabitants will be erected. Funded by the Climate and Energy Fund of the Austrian Federal Government, the settlement will be provided with energy produced by innovative systems such as fuel cells and Stirling engines combined with conventional solutions such as photovoltaics, solar cells, heat pumps and caloric value gas boilers. The functionality of the different energy supply systems will be studied and evaluated until the project end in July 2017. Barbara Saringer-Bory from OIR discussed the project as one of eight Advisory Board Members with the project team. A short project description can be found at the website of the Climate and Energy Fund.

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