In April 2013 OIR has been assigned to conduct the Ex-ante Evaluation and the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of the EU-programme “Investing in growth and jobs Upper Austria 2014-2020” and the Ex-ante analysis and SEA for the ETC programme Bavaria-Czech Republic 2014-2020. Ex-ante Evaluations ensure that the Operational Programmes contribute significantly to the Europe 2020 strategy, fostering smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.

In April 2013 OIR has been assigned to conduct the Ex-ante Evaluation and the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of the EU-programme “Investing in growth and jobs Upper Austria 2014-2020” and the Ex-ante analysis and SEA for the ETC programme Bavaria-Czech Republic 2014-2020. Ex-ante Evaluations ensure that the Operational Programmes contribute significantly to the Europe 2020 strategy, fostering smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. The objective of the SEA is the promotion of sustainable development by integrating environmental considerations into the preparation as well as adoption of plans and programmes. Both projects will be coordinated by Bernd Schuh.

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