ÖIR and ADE S.A. have begun working on the European Parliament study “Comparative analysis of the CAP Strategic Plans and their effective contribution to the achievement of the EU objectives”. The consortium is led by ÖIR.

The purpose of this project is to provide Members of the European Parliament with an overview of the implementation of the CAP through the 28 CAP strategic plans. This study will therefore provide a comparative analysis to better understand the implementation mechanisms of the plans and their contribution to the CAP objectives and the Green Deal. It will also provide an assessment of the added value of the new approach, including concrete and practical recommendations. The project design ensures it will be of help to the AGRI Committee members and should serve as an informative and authoritative reference for decision making on similar and related matters. Arndt Münch is leading the project working together with Manon Badouix, Bernd Schuh, and Helene Gorny.

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