In this study, ÖIR, t33 and Spatial Foresight analysed the impact of Brexit on regions and cities. It focused on the (potential) effects of the EU-UK Trade Cooperation Agreement which entered into force in 2021. Key activities of the study included an EU-27 analysis of regional exposure to Brexit along key affected economic sectors and eight case studies on regional impacts and mitigating measures.

Trade balance between Flanders and the UK 2016-2021, monthly in MEUR, © based on NBB Stat, 2022

ÖIR itself conducted three case studies to in-depth analyse regional impacts. The case studies were based on expert interviews with public officials and document and data analyses. This analysis covered Flanders (Belgium), Normandy (France), and Lubelskie (Poland).



Period: 2022
Client: European Union, Committee of the Regions (via Spatial Foresight)

Partner: Spatial Foresight, t33

Methods: Document analysis, Expert dialogue

Project team

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