For the funding period 2023 to 2027, the strategic plan for the Common Agricultural Policy had to be drawn up in Austria for the first time. This plan combines the former “Pillar 1” (direct payments) and “Pillar 2” (rural development) of support for agriculture and rural areas. These funding lines are of great importance in Austria, both because of the topics addressed and because of the financial volume.

Flowchart of the Common Agricultural Policy Strategy Plan Preparation, © Rosinak/Partner, WIFO

Accompanying the preparation of the plan, ÖIR carried out the Strategic Environmental Assessment including the participation of authorities and the public in order to identify the environmental impacts and to make recommendations for their improvement. Intensive consultation processes and feedback for ongoing input of proposals were held and a positive contribution from an environmental point of view was achieved.



Period: 2019
 - 2022
Client: Federal Ministry for Sustainability and Tourism

Partners: University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Department of Economics and Social Sciences

Methods: Document analysis, Workshop, Accessibility analysis, Relevance matrices, Impact analysis

Project team

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