Car traffic is one of the main causes of greenhouse gas emissions and affects urban quality of life in many ways. To counteract this development in a sustainable way, many cities and regions have recognized the potential of environmentally friendly means of transport as an important alternative, especially for short urban trips. The project at hand aims at promoting sustainable mobility behaviour of residents in two housing estates in the city of Salzburg by using appropriate information, incentive and reward systems.

Digital and analogue mobility folder for the housing estate “Kendlerpark” in Salzburg, © ÖIR GmbH
Digital and analogue mobility folder for the housing estate “Kendlerpark” in Salzburg, © ÖIR GmbH

In addition to the provision of analogue and digital mobility folders, other mobility-related information materials and goodies, workshops, action days and personalized counselling sessions will take place. The project is being carried out under the leadership of ÖIR, which is working closely with the private university “Schloss Seeburg”, the city of Salzburg, as well as the company Raumeval e.U..



Period: 2019
 - 2021
Client: Magistrate of the City of Salzburg, Office for Urban Planning and Transport

Partner: Private university “Schloss Seeburg”

Methods: Conference, Mobility consulting, Publication preparation, Story map, Workshop, Mapping, On-site research

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